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Brothers Of War 2019

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It would modify existing civil rights legislation to ban discrimination against LGBTQ people in employment, housing, public accommodations, jury service, education, federal programs, and credit.It sounds good. No one should favor discriminating in employment, housing, etc.

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  1. Brothers Of War 2019 Youtube

Based on sexual orientation, etc.But there are serious problems with the Equality Act of 2019, such that Republicans should prevent its passage in Congress. That way, President Trump won’t be faced with the dilemma of signing bad legislation or alienating a large group of voters by vetoing it.The central problem with the Equality Act is that it overrides the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA). That statute, which protects religious liberty, could no longer be used in the civil rights context.

Brothers Of War 2019

The gates to anti-discrimination lawsuits against religious believers and institutions would therefore be wide open. As, senior vice president of Alliance Defending Freedom’s U.S. Legal division, put it, the Equality Act would undermine “the fundamental freedoms of speech, religion, and conscience that the First Amendment guarantees for every citizen.”This is not an exaggeration. It is confirmed by experience in states that have such legislation. These state laws have been used to shut down Catholic adoption agencies that only place children with a mother (biologically female) and a father (biologically male).

They have also been used, famously, to compel people working in the wedding industry, like florists, photographers and bakers, to provide their services for same-sex ceremonies, in violation of their religious conscience and without regard to the availability of such services from vendors who would be happy to provide them.But that’s just the beginning of the mischief. Describes more of it.The Equality Act would be used to compel speech.

IntroductionJoin us on our 9-day American Civil War Tour to some of the major battlefields of the War Between the States, including an unforgettable re-enactment of events. Leading up to the surrender at Appomattox we explore the area known as “the crossroads of conflict,” from the site of the bloodiest single-day battle at Antietam, through the turning of the conflict at Gettysburg to the longest siege in American warfare at Petersburg.

We visit both capitals of the period, Richmond and Washington, DC, and finish by paying our respects at Arlington National Cemetery.Please note that the summer departure date for this tour has been moved from June 26-July 4 to July 3-July 11, 2019 due to a change in the scheduling of the annual Gettysburg anniversary and re-enactment. The information printed in our 2019 tour brochure shows the original date. The final and correct date is the one shown on the website. Request a quote Please provide the following information: Title:First name:Last name:Address:Apt./Unit number:City:Country:State:Zip: -E-mail address:Phone:Which year are you interested in?Which tour are you most interested in?How many traveler(s)?Please include the following details in my quote:I am interested in a special version of this tour:How much does the tour cost?What is the best price I can get?What is the payment deadline?What is included in the price?What options do you have for solo travelers?Leave a message:Contact me via: Email: Phone:.mandatory.

Itinerary. Day 1Passengers are greeted at Ronald Reagan National Airport and transferred to the hotel. The afternoon is spent at the National Museum of American History, followed by a brief guided tour of the monuments of the National Mall, including the Lincoln Memorial.

Brothers Of War 2019 Youtube

In the evening there is an introduction to the tour and a chance to get acquainted over a welcome drink. Day 2In the morning we head to the Shenandoah Valley and the picturesque town of Harpers Ferry, where in 1859 the abolitionist John Brown tried to seize the Virginia State arsenal in an attempt to start a slave revolt.

We follow events leading up to September 1862 in Antietam, where the bloodiest single-day battle in American history took place. Day 3Following a morning of exploring the area near Manassas, Virginia and the Battles of Bull Run, we head north to Gettysburg and start with visiting the Jennie Wade House. This museum dedicated to the only civilian killed in the Battle of Gettysburg also houses an exhibit on domestic life during wartime. Those who dare have a chance to experience a night time ghost tour of the battlefield. Day 4The day is dedicated to the Battle of Gettysburg, including the annual re-enactment on the June departure date. We enjoy lunch at the Dobbin House, Gettysburg’s oldest and most historic building that was used as a station to hide runaway slaves fleeing with the help of the “Underground Railroad.” We stand at the spot President Lincoln delivered his Gettysburg Address and remember the fallen at the National Cemetery. Day 5Leaving Union ground behind, we head to the capital of the Confederate South: Richmond.

On our way we stop to explore the sites of the Battles of the Wilderness, Spotsylvania Court House and Chancellorsville, where Stonewall Jackson was mortally wounded. Day 6Petersburg, Virginia was the site of the longest siege in American warfare. Considered the gateway to the fall of Richmond, we revisit the 10 months in the trenches that led up to Robert E. Lee’s retreat and surrender. The afternoon is dedicated to Richmond’s Confederate White House, which President Lincoln visited just a few days prior to his assassination. Day 7Our last stop in the South is at Appomattox Court House, where Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S.

Grant on April 9, 1865. We then head back to Washington, DC and spend the rest of the afternoon at leisure. Day 8The last day of the tour is dedicated to Arlington National Cemetery, where we pay our respects to the fallen and witness the Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. In the afternoon we learn about life in the Union capital during the Civil War, including a visit to Ford’s Theater, where President Lincoln was assassinated. Day 9After saying goodbye, our guests are brought to Ronald Reagan National Airport for their return flights.