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Warhammer 40k Custom Space Marine Chapters

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  1. Warhammer 40k Custom Space Marine Chapters List
  2. Space Marine Chapter Gallery

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Those Marines are really Garish and the colours clash harder than a line of Roman Infantry against a horde of Gauls. They'd be perfect for a Slaaneshi warband, though.Marines work best with simple color schemes. And if you do use multiple colors make sure they go well together. Purple, gold, sky blue and red? The Crimson Justicars, Twilight Requiem, Emerald Inheritors and Shadow Legion are the only color schemes that could work imho.This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/02/23 07:37:58. All that heraldry is absurdly complex.

Are you going to seriously want to paint that on 1500+ points of models? I sure wouldn't. Stick with something simple, I say.Some of those are pretty complex, but for the most part a lot of the stuff on there is fairly doable, and repeatable, over a whole army.

Some of us care about our armies, man.I care a lot too, but I don't have the manual dexterity or patience to replicate that on 50+ marines. I could do that stuff on an HQ or a veteran sergeant or something, but not on every single dude.

The following is a complete list of all the Space Marine Chapters created by our authors here on the Warhammer 40,000 Fanon, and also serves as a visual reference. This list also includes Renegade Chapters of Chaos Space Marines as well as those Space Marine Chapters considered Excommunicate Traitoris by the High Lords of Terra, whether they serve the Ruinous Powers or not. This listing does not include those Space Marine Chapters that are a part of the categories. As this is an ongoing project, additional Chapters will be added or removed accordingly.

If there is a Chapter missing, please feel free to add it and if a Chapter has been deleted feel free to remove it. The Aldium Spears were a formerly Loyalist Space Marine Chapter created during the 13 th ('Dark') Founding from unknown gene-stock. They were rigorously dedicated to the Emperor and were close allies with the Chapter. After a daemonic incursion on their Chapter home world of Aldium, and a subsequent victory, a mysterious contagion known as, took hold on the Chapter.

To this day, only 200 unaffected battle-brothers remain of the original 2,000, and remain quarantined at an undisclosed Inquisitorial facility. The remaining affected battle-brothers formed the dreaded Chaos warband known as the, wholly dedicated to Chaos, and most especially the Blood God Khorne. They dedicate every aspect of their existence to shedding bloodshed in the most brutal and painful of ways, using the most sadistic and bloody methods imaginable. Angels Crepuscular are a peculiar Loyalist Chapter of Adeptus Astartes, allegedly created during the 4 th Founding in early to mid-M33. They were created using the gene-seed of the Angels Sanguine Chapter, and are thus a Successor Chapter of the Blood Angels. Like all Blood Angels Successors, the Angels Crepuscular suffer from the Blood Angels dreaded Flaw and are afflicted by the Black Rage and the Red Thirst.

Like their Primogenitor Chapter, the Angels Crepuscular are considered only a partially Codex-compliant Chapter.It is the feudal world of Herculanum IV that the Angels Eternal call home. The Angels Eternal are an 18th Founding Successor Chapter of the Blood Angels. Operating from their Fortress-Monastery, The Inviolable Citadel, the Angels Eternal are deployed throughout Ultima Segmentum.The Chapter excels in drop pod assaults, shock assaults and close quarters combat. Due to these favoured tactics the Angels Eternal have a higher than average amount of Assault Squads, Reavers and Inceptors than most other chapters. The Angels Mortiferous are a particularly vainglorious Blood Angels successor chapter. Virtually every member of the chapter is eager to accumulate accolades in the heat of battle. Donning their jump packs the Angels Mortiferous enter the fray with unnerving glee, laughing maniacally as they slaughter the foe in Sanguinius' name. Whilst their skill in combat has gained them the recognition they seek, their worrying behaviour in the heat of battle has gained them a reputation for being slightly unhinged among those who have only interacted with them on the battlefield.

Fortunately, away from the battlefield the Angels Mortiferous are soft-spoken, gentle and uniquely polite. This has proved to be their saving grace, making up for their somewhat eccentric behaviour in the heat of melee. The Angels of Purity are a formerly Loyalist Successor Chapter of the Blood Angels, created during the 23 rd ('Sentinel') Founding. They were once fanatically loyal to the Imperium and merciless to it's enemies. But, like all other Blood Angel Successors, it was only a matter of time before they fell under the curse of the Black Rage. After centuries of locking up battle brother after battle brother, the Angels of Purity believed themselves to be cursed by the Imperium, that they were in fact the evil of the universe and not, as they were told, the Great Enemy. They were eventually excommunicated by the Imperium after they launched an attack on a Black Templar Fleet, destroying several of their vessels in the process.

They are noted by Loyalist Chapters as savage and fanatical in their beliefs, and an unrelenting force that needs to be purged from the galaxy. ( Excommunicate Traitoris). The Angels of Solemnity are a Dark Angels Successor Chapter based within the Segmentum Solar. Created during the 5 th Founding sometime during M33, they have continued displaying a strong desire to defend humanity, as they see it as the reason the Emperor created them. Though little is known of the Chapter's early history which remains lost in the shadowed wars of that bygone age, what is known is that the newly created Chapter was granted the dominion of the world of Dalris and its surrounding star system as their demesne. Most unusual for one of the Chapters of the Unforgiven (a Dark Angels Successor Chapter) they will often hold their post no mater the cost, even if there are known Fallen in the nearby area, much to the ire of their Progenitors. Esoteric and proud, the Angels of the Hunt are a mighty Chapter of the Unforgiven created during the 6 th Founding.

They operate within the, one of six Chapters making up the vaunted Justicarium. Of all the members of this loose confederation of Space Marine Chapters, brought together by the will of the Inquisition and mutual wishes of three of the founding Chapters, the Angels of the Hunt can almost easily be said to be of the most unorthodox of culture.

(Though the most unorthodox in tactics is the purview of the Maverick Lords, whome they associate with often) A strange blend of the chivalric codes of the Unforgiven and neolithic warrior societies of the Feral World of Acirema, the Angels of the Hunt often evoke many of the same stereotypes of bloody savagery as the famous Space Wolves and White Scars as well as the usual aloof and insular natures of the Dark Angels Successors. The Angels Rampant are a successor chapter of the Blood Angels. They are known to have been founded during the so-called 'Dark Founding', or 13 th Founding. The Angels Rampant are also known to suffer greatly from the twin curses that have plagued the Blood Angels and their successors for millennia; the Red Thirst and Black Rage. The Angels Rampant suffer much more from these curses than their cousins, why this is isn't entirely clear, though it has led to a large distrust from the rest of the Imperium towards the Angels.

The Arbiter Knights are a recently created 27 th 'Ultima' Founding Chapter. Comprised entirely of Primaris Space Marines, these Successors of the Dark Angels are a chapter whose sole purpose is to purge early signs of Chaos and xenos corruption. When the Arbiter Knights have deemed a soldier corrupt, the Arbiter Knights will stop at nothing to rid them of their existence.

A loyal cause, but one of controversial practice. Many other factions, not just the parts of the Imperium, have come to see the actions of the Arbiter Knights as preemptive and overzealous agenda, which is not helped by their rumoured secretive links to the Inquisition. Although claiming loyalty to the Emperor of Mankind, their ability to make swift judgment and quick action against their fellow man has made many question their loyalty.The Argent Stars are a Loyalist Non-Codex Compliant (originally Codex Compliant until they sustained too many losses) Space Marine Chapter of unknown founding and are a Dark Angels successor chapter. Known for their initial contradiction of seemingly staunch loyalty to the High Lords of Terra and their propensity to act on their own without many knowing their true goals, this chapter has raised more than a few questions and has answered almost none of them. The Ashen Thanes are one of the oldest, non-founding chapters in the Imperium. Created sometime during the 4 th or 5 th Founding, and from uncertain lineage, they were formerly known as the Iron-Bound Thanes. Unfortunately most of the early records of the Iron-Bound Thanes were lost in the destruction of the Chapter's original Fortress-Monastery, Tol Elmoth, in M37 when the Blood God-worshiping World Eaters Traitor Legion attacked their homeworld, Taur-Hithlum.

Rebuilding in the aftermath of this devastating attack, the Chapter reforged their sorely depleted ranks and renamed themselves the Ashen Thanes. Since that tragic era, the Ashen Thanes have gone on to become a well-respected Chapter. The Astral Crusaders are descended from the Imperial Fists from the 26 th founding during the 41st millennium. While their founding was no detriment to the Imperial Fists or any other chapter, it still remains somewhat controversial. Founded as an experimental idea for rapid response there are those detractors who consider this particular Founding as not necessary, though alternative reasons are few and far in between. Originally this led to a level of distrust from other Astartes chapters, concerned that the Astral Crusaders were puppets of some political shadow who wormed their way into obtaining a chapter to do their bidding.B NameImageNotes.

The Battle Born were a formerly Loyalist Successor Chapter of the venerable White Scars, created during the 8 th Founding. They were held in high regard by their fellow White Scar's successors and feared by both traitors and xenos alike. The Battle Born were known for their savagery as many of the Sons of Khan are, but it was the Chapter's reputation for their infamous battle rage that made them truly famous. But eventually, their battle-lust overwhelmed them, and they became willing followers of the Blood God Khorne. Renaming themselves the, this ferocious pack of butchers and madmen now burn whole worlds for no greater reason than to sew death and madness in the name of their patron lord. ( Excommunicate Traitoris). The Black Raptors are a Codex-compliant Loyalist Space Marine Chapter founded in M33 during an Unknown Founding from the lineage of the stoic Imperial Fists.

They were created as part of a strategic prognostication to liberate the Death World of Espada-Delta against Tau Forces. Recently, this Chapter now faces near extinction after their first battle against Hive Fleet Arachnid on the War World of Hardok in Ultima Segmentum. They suffered heavy casualties and their Chapter was reduced to only 400 battle-brother.

The Black Raptors are the only Chapter that lacks Tactical Squads, having them lost in their first mission. Their Assault Marines have stepped up to fill in the roles of a regular Tactical Marine, and is one of the few Chapters that utilize Ground Assault Marines. In their second mission, the Chapter was able to liberate the Death World of Espada-Delta. They were given direct rule over the planet and established their fortress-monastery. The Black Thorns are 10 th Founding chapter descended from the Iron Hands. This battle- hardened Chapter's first duty as a chapter was watching over the volatile Infernus Sector, known for it's proximity to a Minor Warp rift known as the Fracture.

The High Lords of Terra feared that the Fracture would one day serve as a gateway for the forces of Chaos, and their fears were justified when the Fracture unleashed a horde of Daemons upon the Black Thorns' homeworld of Lorem. The young chapter barely managed to defeat the Daemons, loosing more than three quarters of it's forces in the process.

But from that day forward, the Black Thorns became known as the heartless warriors they are now, believing that the cold, hard strength of steel shall always triumph over the Ruinous Powers. The Blood Buzzards are a small fleet based chapter founded during the 24 th Founding in M39.

They are a relatively small Chapter rarely able to maintain the 1,000 battle brothers mandated by the Codex Astartes. This is due in part to the fact that they don't have a specific planet or route were they recruit new Battle brothers. Instead they have a system where other chapters will allow them to recruit from their home worlds often in exchange for artifacts of theirs that the Buzzards have recovered in their travels. The Buzzards actively seek out these artifacts going to great lengths to retrieve them so they may ether be added to their armory or traded to other chapters for weapons, equipment or other vital supplies. The Blood Eagles are a Space Marine Chapter whose progenitor and Founding are unknown to the Imperium. In truth the Blood Eagles are among those shadowy Chapters that were created during the infamous 13 th Founding, the so-called 'Dark Founding'.

They are also well hated traitors within the Imperium as the Chapter turned upon the Imperium and embraced the Ruinous Powers as a Chaos Warband, or so it would seem. In truth the Chapter feigned betrayal of the Imperium at the behest of certain parties in the Inquisition, who remain the Chapter's only contact and connection to the Imperium that they secretly serve. In its guise as a Warband of the Dark Gods the Blood Eagles Chapter has gained a fell reputation amongst both the followers of the Dark Gods and the Imperium.( Excommunicate Traitoris). The Blood Hammers are a Codex-compliant Chapter that hail from the proud and noble blood of Sanguinius.

Created during the 10 th during the mid-35 th Millennium, from their conception the Blood Hammers have been afflicted by the Red Thirst heavily, but strangely they do not seem to suffer as greatly from the Black Rage as many of their brothers do. The most brothers that have ever suffered from the Rage at one time was five. However, the Thirst affects them more than many others, so much so that they have incorporated the Thirst into their tactics as they know that many will suffer from it.


The Blood Rangers are a loyalist Space Marines Chapter of unknown origins created during the 14 th Founding. The history of the Blood Rangers is a mystery that only the Chapter Masters and Chief Librarians know of. The loss of the chapter's 3 rd Company, their Chapter Master, their Chief Librarian, and a large portion of their knowledge has devastated the Chapter greatly. But the Blood Rangers have endured and are now a fleet-based Chapter, but they still have not yet fully replenished the ranks of the 3 rd Company. Amongst one of their more notable campaigns is when they deployed in their entirety to take part in the 13 th Black Crusade.

The Blood Ravagers are a Chaos Space Marine warband, made up of the surviving Traitor Astartes from the 3 rd Company, who were corrupted during the 11 th Black Crusade. Their original Chaos Lord perished at the hands of Captain Reven De Turk of the Blood Rangers' elite 1 st Company. Ryan now stands as the Chaos Lord of the warband. The warband raids the Ehrendolch Sub-Sector to capture initiates and Guardsmen from it's worlds.

The Chaos Lord vows the death of Chapter Master Revan De Turk will be the payment for his former Captains death. ( Excommunicate Traitoris).

The Blood Reapers are a mysterious Chapter of uncertain lineage supposedly created during the 13 th 'Dark' Founding. Little is known of this elusive Chapter in official Imeprial records. When they have appeared, they usually only do so in smaller, mobile strike groups. If rumours are to be believed, the Blood Reapers have taken part in some of the most famous campaigns throughout the last few millennia, including - almost all of the Black Crusades and possibly the Badab War, the Damocles Gulf Crusade and the wars on Armageddon. The Blood Wights are a loyalist Space Marine chapter, successors of Sanguinius and Blood Angels. Allegedly created in M33 as one of the chapters of the 5 th Founding.

Blood Wights are known for their divergent beliefs, specifically their unusual reverence for a spirit known as Lady Forlorn, whom the chapter believes to be the True Bride of the Emperor and their guide. Despite their exotic beliefs, Blood Wights proved to be steadfast allies and faithful servants of the God Emperor throughout the millennia. The Bronze Lions are an embattled Space Marine Chapter located within the quarantined Gallican Sector.

Created using the Gene-seed of the Silver Lions during the 23 rd Founding, the Chapter has an extremely colored history. Their parent Chapter the Silver Lions fell to Chaos, eventually becoming the loathed. This has been a source of shame for the Bronze Lions. On the other hand the Bronze Lions have become renowned for their fortitude and perseverance.

Warhammer 40k Custom Space Marine Chapters List

Since the quarantine was instituted over a millennia ago the Gallican Sector has been under threat with increasing frequency, and all during this time the Bronze Lions fought to defend the Sector without rest, and it could be said that their efforts are one of the reasons that the Gallican Sector has yet to collapse. The Bronze Vipers are a Successor Chapter of the venerable Blood Angels, created during the 8 th Founding.

They were tasked to patrol the boarders of Zoragon space, although they also fought Eldar forces as well. As a result they established tactics revolved around xenos hunting. In 204.M39, Craftworld Nirmia destroyed most of the Chapter. As the Bronze Vipers were trying to recover from their losses, the Zoragons launched a follow-up attack that annihilated the rest of the Chapter. Ever since their inception, the Bronze Vipers frequent mutations were a constant thorn in their side, making them very prone to the Red Thirst. This resulted in there being a large number of infected battle-brothers in the ranks of the Death Company.

Due to the severity of their genetic curse, and their constant xenocide campaigns, the Bronze Vipers as a whole were rarely at full strength. The Brotherhood of Man where a bitter and rather insignificant Chapter created from Imperial Fists lineage during the 13 th Founding. Following their inception, they soon found themselves in campaigns in the far reaches of the Eastern Fringe, operating with outdated equipment and often a lack of reserves or manpower. Though the Brotherhood earned themselves a reputation as tenacious trench fighters and storm troopers due to a number of wars against their hated ancestor-rivals, the Iron Warriors. But by M37, the Chapter-wide cultural decay, combined with losses of several notable Captains and Sergeants also had a distinct impact on the morale, and greatly affected their overall combat effectiveness.

In mid-M37, following a disastrous battle against Eldar corsairs, the Brotherhood of Man collapsed as a functioning Chapter. Regrouping, the Brotherhood fell apart in a series of bitter disputes and formed several factions, the largest being led by Rumkowski. Under his leadership, several remnants reformed into the piratical, which continues to operate in and around the Eastern Fringe. Possessing a substantial fleet, the Brethren often raids any Imperial or xenos convoys they can find. The Renegade Chapter is still led by the Chaos Champion Cain.

( Excommunicate Traitoris). The Brutalizers are a dreaded band of renegade Astartes that have marauded the Imperiums space lanes ever since their excommunication during the Nova Terra Interregnum. They are a brutal band of self-serving pirates, caring only for their own survival and wealth. Though they have not yet fallen to the temptations to Chaos and allow no taint of mutation within their own ranks, they have fought alongside the minions of the Archenemy for paltry coin and weapons.

However, they have also aided various other powerful and unscrupulous men who call themselves loyal to the Emperor for enough coin as well.( Excommunicate Traitoris). The Bullfrogs are a Space Marine Chapter succeeding from the Salamanders created during the 21 st 'Cursed' Founding. They were founded in order to support the Imperial forces in the Celestonic Sector. However, they were afflicted with a mutation due to a mishap caused by Magos Preu. This mutation, called 'the Toadstool Curse', afflicts the Betcher's Gland, causing it to secrete toxins over the Astrates' skin, creating a film of acidic mucous. As a result, they have modified their armor to resist corrosion that could inadvertently be caused by the mucous. The toxic mucous slowly eats away at their skin, but because they are Astrates this skin regenerates at a matching pace, which means that the Bullfrogs are stuck in a state of constant degradation and reparation.

These Space Marines practically reek of death and decay, which had affected their reputation, causing the local Imperial populace to distrust and avoid them.C NameImageNotes. The Castellan Guard are a Codex Astartes-compliant Successor Chapter of the venerable Ultramarines, created during the 16 th Founding sometime during the latter 35 th Millennium. Their brotherhood has a long and illustrious history as stalwart protectors of humanity, specializing in all forms of defensive warfare. Recent setbacks however have stained the honor and trust of their Chapter.

In a terrible incident on their own homeworld, the Chapter's Chief Librarian secretly had turned to Chaos, along with almost half of the Chapter. In a bloody civil war, the traitors were driven off, but the Castellan Guard had lost many of their loyal brothers and much of their supplies and weaponry. Now, they struggle to rebuild from their losses, and tirelessly hunt their traitor brethren, seeing that their deaths are the only way for the Chapter to redeem itself.

The Caustic Cherubim are known Successor Chapter of the valiant Blood Angels. Created during an Unknown Founding, they were created from one of their Progeintor's Successor Chapters, although which one, is unknown. The Caustic Cherubim have gained some renown for their enjoyment of pure destruction and constant conflicts.

This is mostly likely due to a hyper-stimulated omophagea organ that causes them to develop a taste for flesh of their foes that goes beyond their fellow Scions of Saguinius. This Chapter is also known for their expertise in battling the Tyranid menace. The Caustic Reach are a small Adeptus Astartes Chapter that at one time operated out of their former stronghold (Ghuld) on the death world Tyran residing in the Eastern Fringe. They were created during the 21 st Founding, the so-called 'Cursed Founding', from existing (presumed Dark Angels) gene-seed which was modified to counteract the high potency of Tyranid poisons and toxins these foul xenos commonly employed. Given the gene-seed the scientists managed to create a genetic resistance to the Tyranid poisons and toxins via unprecedented mutation which causes an overproduction of toxins and poisons within these Astartes bodies, which are then transferred to the Betcher's glands within their mouths, causing them to 'drool' these poisons uncontrollably. This Chapter currently stands at approximately 350 Astartes, their forces severely depleted at the hands of Hive Fleet Kraken, though their exact numbers remain uncertain.

The Celestial Hawks are an Imperial Fists Successor Chapter created during the 4 th Founding. They are based primarily in the Ultima Segmentum.

The Celestial Hawks are known to be masters of rapid-assault warfare. They prefer ranged combat, but not static line combat as many use, but rather flowing and highly mobile lines. They place a high amount of respect on the art of shooting as they believe it to be the purest kind of warfare, though they still use melee units. The Hawks are not Codex Astartes-compliant and differ greatly to the tome of Gulliman as they hate him and his sons. The Charnel Brethren are an Astartes Chapter of Flesh Tearers' descent, and through them, the Blood Angels, of an unknown Founding, though many suspect they are a part of the 3 rd Founding.

They are a slowly dying Chapter whose numbers have believed to have fallen below 300 Astartes. Though they are very loyal to the Emperor of Mankind their heavy affliction with the twin Flaws of their Primarch Sanguinius has led to their investigation on charges of heresy by the Inquisition. They have been cleared of suspicion at present, but many believe that that it is only a matter of time before they cease to exist.

Like their Progenitors, the Charnel Brethren are known for their bloodthirsty nature in battle, bad temper and feared for the Flaws - the Black Rage and the Red Thirst - that they carry within their gene-seed. The Charnel Brethren follow the tactical organisation pioneered by the Blood Angels, favouring close combat over ranged warfare. The Charnel Warhawks are a newly founded fleet-based loyalist chapter of Primaris Space Marines. Their specialty is rooting out cults, be them Chaos, Genestealer or some other variant. This has led to close ties with the Ordo Hereticus, who value their ability to protect mankind from itself. Given the urban locale of many cults, the Charnel Warhawks have become brutally efficient at urban warfare.

This has gradually grown to resemble guerrilla tactics, preferring to deploy a multitude of small, autonomous units each with specific objectives, not dissimilar to Deathwatch kill-teams. The Children of the Anvil are a Chapter that hails from the brutal legacy of the Iron hands. Allegedly created during the 5 th Founding, this Chapter excludes all that is to be expected of Sons of the Gorgon. Relentless, cold, and above all efficient to a fault, the Children of the Anvil have left world after world a bombed out wasteland in their endless war against the Enemies of Man.

Regularly patrolling the northernmost borders of the Exile Sector, the Children of the Anvil's fiercely independent Clan Companies regularly vanish altogether from the Imperium for centuries at a time, always returning however with trophies of war and new worlds for the Imperium to colonize, liberated in fire from the clutches of vile xenos overlords and heathen bands of the Lost and Damned. The Chronal Guardians are a mysterious Adeptus Astartes Chapter that have been observed on multiple battlefields across multiple time periods. Unknown to the rest of the Imperium the Chronal Guardians, in fact, fight against temporal threats to humanity. Very little is known about this Chapter, as most of the files the Inquisition has on them are sealed away under the sigil of the Ordo Chronos. Within these sealed files, are multiple accounts of Imperial Guardsmen, Naval Officers, civilians and others that have come in contact within these Astartes, and then, suddenly, cannot recall ever having known them. The Cobalt Angels are a Successor Chapter of the vaunted Dark Angels, created during the mysterious 13 th Founding, the so-called 'Dark Founding'.

They were created in order to fight the ever-present Chaos threat surrounding the Eye of Terror. Unusually, despite being a successor of the famed Dark Angels, the Cobalt Angels do not count themselves among the 'Unforgiven'. This sets them apart from a majority of other Dark Angels successors, and precludes them from engaging in the galaxy-wide hunt for the 'Fallen'. This is reinforced by the fact that the Cobalt Angels have never been seen to flee the battlefield for little reason, as their progenitors have done so many times. The Corvus Legion are an Astartes Chapter that of Unknown Founding created from the line of Corvus Corax. Allegedly created during the 3 rd Founding, and like their parent Chapter they are renowned as cunning and patient hunters, adept at biding their time until the moment to strike was at hand and then attacking with overwhelming force that leaves their foes with no chance of resisting.

Their Founding is unknown but many suspect that it was relatively early, perhaps as early as the 32nd Millennium, whenever their founding was they have served the Emperor with a cool-headed, even intellectual temperament, superb infiltration skills and skill at furious close-quarters engagements as the foes of Mankind are destroyed in a flurry of crackling Claws and the bark of Bolters, many an enemy has considered himself safe only to come face to face with the pale skin and jet black eyes of these Astartes. The Crested Serpents are a Loyalist Successor Chapter created from unknown gene-stock during the 19 th Founding sometime during the 36 th Millennium. Though many suspect that they are descended from either Ultramarines or Salamaners lineage, though neither have been confirmed.

This Chapter specialises in ambush tactics, are are most deadly when fighting in jungle environments. The Crested Serpents organise themselves strictly in accordance with the dictates of the Codex Astartes. But despite their formal structure, the Chapter has a surprisingly lenient attitude towards the use of animals in warfare. The Crusade Eternal were a formerly Loyalist Successor Chapter borne of the Black Templars, created during the 21 st ('Cursed') Founding.

The newly created Chapter was intended to be mankind's tireless protectors, warriors who needed no respite nor rest from war and held no mercy in their hearts. They were meant to be the Emperor's own onslaught, taking the fight to the enemies of man as opposed to fending them off from Imperial territory. But such a purpose corrupted them, their gene-seed tainted by the fumbling hands of the Mechanicus, which resulted in the Crusade Eternal developing an insatiable appetite for conflict and death. Eventually, their perverse pleasure for destruction and slaughter saw them become unwitting minions of the Chaos Gods, as the continue their vile crusade across the stars. ( Excommunicate Traitoris). The Death Angels are a Successor Chapter of the venerable Blood Angels Space Marine Chapter. They were created during the 5 th Founding sometime during the early centuries of M33.

These Scions of Sanguinius were created at the express order of the High Lords of Terra in order to counter encroaching Forces of Chaos within the Tenadain Sector. Several times, throughout their long, glorious history, the Death Angels have suffered catastrophic losses. Feared dead, they've always managed to come back from the brink of annihilation several decades, or even centuries later, after their supposed loss. The Death Angels tend to display a violent savage mien in battle, and have garnered a reputation as a bellicose and bloody-handed Chapter.

It is rumoured that they continue to reign down terrible destruction, wrought against friends and foes alike, yet the Death Angels still continue to faithfully serve the Emperor and their Primarch Sanguinius, despite their inherited genetic afflictions. The Death Scythes are a Loyalist, non- Codex Astartes compliant Space Marine Chapter founded during the Age of Apostasy sometime during the 36 th Millennium. Little trace of their founding Chapter remains, and since the loss of their first fortress-monastery, they no longer know who they were descended from. They operate from beyond the galactic plane, relying on a fleet of highly mobile strike cruisers and battle barges to reach their targets.

Their brutal form of mechanized combat was developed over centuries of fighting on their homeworld, Sacrata Regionis. The Disciples of Lydia are an old and proud Space Marine Chapter created during the 8 th Founding in M34 from the stalwart Imperial Fists.

Based in the Lydia System, their history is long and complex, and closely intertwined with the history of the Lydia System itself. They are renowned for showing an almost territorial devotion to the people of the Lydia System, interrogating and inspecting any Imperial vessels that pass through there, which has in the past caused friction with other Imperial institutions. However, the suspicion with which they regard outsiders from the Imperium is magnified a thousandfold when they encounter non-human vessels, and any xenos coming near the Lydia System can expect to be engaged on sight without warning. The Disfavoured Sons is a Codex-compliant Loyalist Chapter of Space Marines and a 10 th Founding Successor Chapter of the stoic Imperial Fists. Founded originally as the Hammer Bearers, the chapter chose to side against the Imperium at some point during the Nova Terra Interregnum, believing that the High Lords of Terra and the Ecclessiarchy were too irresponsible in exercising their power over the Imperium and had grown too powerful. After the Imperial Fists subjugated the wayward chapter and reintegrated them back into the Imperium by force, the disgraced Chapter voluntarily stripped themselves of their name and surrendered their chapter relics. Following this, the chapter was renamed as the Disfavoured Sons and sent on a five century-long crusade to prove their loyalty to the Emperor of Mankind.

He Doom Wardens are a Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes. They were formerly a space-bound Chapter known as the Iron Templars. The history of this Chapter is ancient and steeped in dark secrets, and forbidden lore.

Their Founding is unknown, but is believed to be one of the earlier Foundings after the Horus Heresy. Whatever documentation that was made of their early history was either lost or destroyed. Whatever their origins, they have long been watched by the Inquisition. Members of the Bellerophon Dynasty of the Ordo Hereticus have always had a presence within the Chapter.

Whatever reasons these iron-faced Inquisitors have to be so ingrained within this Chapter can only mean whatever the secret that these Astartes hold, it is a grim and dark secret indeed.