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Xdo Console A Eau

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Xdo Console A Eau

Xdo Console A Eau Claire

I recently installed OBIEE (Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition) with Installation Type as Advanced (i.e.Using existing Oracle Application Server 10.1.3.X ). For Step by Step OBIEE installationWith Advanced Installation you get three HOME (top level directory)1. ORACLE BI Home2.

ORACLE BI DATA Home3. ORACLE Application Server Home (HTTP Server and OC4J)After installation, Login failed while accessing BI Publisher (earlier XML Publisher) using Administrator Account ( Administrator/ Administrator)– default7777 /xmlpserver.Fix:1. Open $ORACLEBIHOME/ xmlp/ XMLP/ Admin/ Configuration / xmlp-server-config.xml2. Change entry likeTO3. Restart OC4J from 10g R3 Oracle Application Server ORACLEHOMEOC4JGroup:defaultgroup OC4J:bixmlpserver 8682 Aliveopmnctl stopproc process-type=bixmlpserveropmnctl startproc process-type=bixmlpserver.Why User Administrator was unable to login to BIPublisher / XMLPSERVER?BI Publisher offers three security model1. BI Publisher Security2.

Xdo Console A Eau De

Oracle BI ServerWith Advanced Install of OBIEE, default Security Model for BI Publisher is “ Oracle BI Server” where as user Administrator is part of BI Publisher ( XDO) Security Model. For more information on BI Publisher Security ModelDid you get a chance to download Free Interview Questions related to FMW? If not, download it here. Devbahadur saysAugust 13, 2009./opmnctl stopproc process-type=bixmlpserveropmnctl: stopping opmn managed processesopmn enabled components for this requestoracle@deva bin$./opmnctl startproc process-type=bixmlpserveropmnctl: starting opmn managed processesopmn enabled components for this requestoracle@deva bin$.

OBIEE beginner saysMarch 31, 2010Hi Atul,Very nice Blog.Actually Myself started to work in OBIEE after a long time. Actually this publisher is new to me. I have done the installation and can access the BI publisher thorugh Admin account. But what happens is when I change the admin pwd in rpd level, the same is not reflected in BI publisher. Again I have to use the same old pwd to access BI publisher, I cannot access it through the Presentaion services.It throws me the login error. Plese Advise me.

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