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Skyrim Mage Guild Overhaul

Skyrim Mage Guild Overhaul Rating: 9,5/10 7109 votes

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Not really, by the time you get towards the high 40s in levels you start to get near 100 in at least 1 or 2 skills. A warrior would be getting there with their weapon type of choice, a thief would be getting close with sneak, perhaps. With this build, depending on how sneaky you chose to be and how much you used summoned help, your first skill to get to 100 would either be sneak, archery or conjuration.Dead Thrall is a master-level spell, so you must be at least level 90 conjuration before it becomes available, but until then, I doubt you'd ever need more than the Atronach of your choice, your Bound Weapons, and a follower with the ability to summon (give simply give them a summoning staff, like the Sanguine Rose). Even then, you have a party of 4. I've played this build quite a lot, and I've rarely felt the need to use a follower.Conjuration gives you lots of options, though.

Bound Bow is available in the Fort Amol Prison, in a bucket next to a bookshelf. You can get it as early as level 1, with an Altmer, and a Novice hood you can even cast it.

Starting with 20 in Conjuration, you can get Mystic Binding as early as level 3, which makes you increadibly over-powered that early in the game. (Long before you can buy it at skill level 40.)Bound Sword is on the table in front of the Bandit Chief in Treva's Watch, if you don't want to buy it for whatever reason. Again, with Mystic Binding it's OP in the early game when builds like Conjurers are relatively weak. Even an otherwise non-magical build like a Dual Wielder can exploit it for cheap high damage potential, then enhance it further with Dual Flurry, and Savagery.

Since you can dual cast it with Novice Conjuration, it requires just those 2 perks in Conjuration, so I count it as a splash. Redguard is a good race for that (Dervish) build, and the Adrenaline Rush to spam the double power attack for a mad minute. Alduin can be cherry tapped likeat by circle straffing so He just turns in place without a chance to counter. (Or any dragons once they're forced to ground)Or, a Spellsword, if you don't want to go Destruction, Flaming Familiar is just as better. This can only be gotten from Anska in High Gate Ruins, but you have to beat up Vokun for the quest. I usually do a Breton, for Spell Absorbtion with the daily power, and Atronach Stone so he just can't hurt me.

Bound Swords do the rest. (Treva's watch is right over the hill from the AT, watch out for the Dragon.)As for Support Spells, Flesh, of course, for a Spellsword. Beats armor, and can be perked for Spell Absorbtion, and/or Magic Resistance, so it covers physical, and magickal damage, not to mention other effects like Detect enemies (Great trainer spells) and paralysis. Flaming Familiar combos best with Ice Storm, because the latter detonates it right when you want to.

Also, the familiar runs around cover, while the storm goes straight through it, so you don't have to expose yourself. For a pure mage, cover is better than armor, or spells, because it's 100% protection, though Aura Whisper is recommended so you can see the enemy.Sneak, and Bound Bow (With Mystic Binding, and Deadly Aim) is about all the combo you need for most of the enemies in the game. I'd count Quiet Casting as optional, since you can't have Invisibility and the Bow active at the same time, though it's great for picking people off in a Frenzy melee' (another powerful combo.)Speaking of Illusion, that works well with Atro, or Necromancy. Not only can you Frenzy and throw in Thralls to join the fight, but ultimately, being invisible with a Dremora Lord pretty much breaks the game.

You don't need any more defense, for not ever being targeted, and he's all the offense you need even without Twin Souls. (Switch to Storm Atronachs, and possibly Become Etherial for Dragons on the wing.)Once you do have two Thralls, raise Necromancers, so they can raise more, and you can build a small army. Eola with Staffs of the Revenant will raise another, and if those are conjurors, necromancers, or vampires, you can temporarily get your army up to the lower tens. I generally Thrall Master Vampires, because they can do this, drain life, and use weapons/armor. Just fill their corpses with gear before you raise them, I usually go with Elven.Other than that, Flame Atronach can be savescummed from Faralda, and the Flamethrall is free for completing the Ritual Spell. All others have to be purchased, but if you avoid Speech experience like me, then that's plenty of spellbook in just this school.

My ultra free build for Conjurer is Breton, Bound Sword, Flaming Familiar/Atronach/Thrall, and possibly Bound Bow for dragons. 3 skill trees, Conjuration, Archery, and 1 Handed. The durations on everthing except your guided fireball are long enough for your Magicka to recover, so once you have the minimum casting costs, just spend it all on Health, with the Lord Stone on magic defense. (50%) You have to Evade, a lot, but Conjuration is all about having something on the ground to do your fighting for you.With the Spell/sword combo, and Twin Souls, spam the familiar until dry once your sword is out, and use that for Critical Charges to run on Stamina a while while it recovers.

Send out a Flame Thrall for distraction (It's all fire, so they won't kill each other) and switch to the bow when you need it (For dragons.) Pop your power, and 2 Thralls for fire support, and shoot it down unless you have Dragonrend. I wear master Robes of Conuration with Vokun, and usually Thalmor boots/gloves just to match. You have to buy the robes, so if you want to not spend a thing, just go with Archmage's and possibly Morokei, the Diadem of the Savant may be stacked with all 3 for more Magicka support, but as you're only working 1 school, it's less important.That Gauldur Amulet, and you might as well keep the Staff of Lightning Spamming for whenever you find yourself out of Magicka.

Lastly, the Dragon Priest Staffs for Wall Spells, particularly Wall of Fire so you can soak the battlefield with the cheapest damage possible, and not worry about your Summons. (Same with the staff of Fireball.) Oh yeah, there's also a Staff of the Storm Atronach in the Archmage's quarters, though you might have to jump to see over the shelf, and take it. (Especially with a shrimpy female Breton, though the robes look better on a male.)Use the Spell Absorption power, but only once your Thralls are out, otherwise, flip a coin to see if you pull it off. A waste of too much time if you ask me, when you only get 60 sec of duration anyway. Not to be used with Flaming Familiar, so drop your Thralls, and switch to the bow, save it up for the Daily Dragon.

Once it's grounded, you can close with dual swords, and circle jerk it to death.For this build, the best Folower is probably Brelyna Maryon, because she's fire retardant, so you're less likely to kill her off, and she summons her own Atronachs as well as adding Firebolts to the fusilade. (3 Atronachs, her, and a Bound Bow for precise fire is withering, even to Fire Dragons.) That small army will wither even rooms full of Deathlords with a quickness. Don't be afraid to shoot your own Atronach, especially early on, before getting FF. If they're in a bottleneck, the death throes do more damage, and burn even longer so you can clear the corridor in 1 shot.Very little is Fire Resitant, most of that is low level (Atronachs, and Dragons) and even then, the On Fire status still gives you the most damage for your buck. Considering it's all free, this is probably the cheapest build I have. Jeeze, I almost forgot, Bound Sword is the best trainer for Conjuration, bar none.

If you want to grind, just piss something off, hide, cast, sheathe, and recast until you're up to your goal level. I don't like that, it's boring, so what I do is ('Halfstack') cast them a minute apart so you always have at least one out, and your Magicka recovers in between until you can double cast. Just run around for a few levels with the Chaotic attack-on-sight, mentality. Every time you start combat, you'll gain the XP for the last cast, or two, and you can even run after that if it's too much of a challenge. The whole idea is getting to Flamethrall, and Twin Souls ASAP.I Faendal trained for some quick levels right off the bat (Since you're squishy, and need to work Archery any way.) Health, Movice, MB, then Armsman, and Fighting Stance to get your damage up. You might want to buy it from Farengar just to get your training started before heading to Treva's Watch, and the extra bow is handy for now, so don't dismiss him, yet.

You want Critical Charge as soon as you can get it, because it's moar damage, and stuns before they get a chance to counter. The offhand Power Attack (A quick Stab) is great for breaking block with a minimum of time/stamina, it's actually faster than the usual Overhand.I skip the main quest, fast travel back to Helgen, and take the southern pass to the Rift.

This is where your two spells are (if you don't already have the swords) and it's easier to go down the hill than up it from Amol to Treva's Watch. Or, you can run for Whiterun, hit up Farangar, and take a cart to Riften. Faster, less experience, or chance of getting killed on the way. Also opens up a fast travel point in a central location, so that's not bad.Then, you can either run the Main Quest to Ustengrav, hike it to High Gate Ruins, or cart up to Dawnstar, and follow the coast. Again, it depends on if you want to go for Gear, XP, or the fast track to moar power. I swing by the Lord Stone, but don't take it (you did remember to grab the Atronach, right?) so I can fast travel back. From this point, you're going to be summoning, so you don't want the unreliability.

Then, you can return to Riverwood, hike up to Bleak Falls, Fast Travel to Whiterun, then as close as you can get to Ustengrav.Wuld, this is your shout for most of the game. If you like, beat up a dragon to get Nah too, it really helps for skipping gaps in the Reach without having to go around. (Spend the soul between receiving Wuld, and Borri giving you the soul for it, you get 2 words that that way. Also works with with Paarthurnax, and Yol/Tor.) THEN, go for the College to finish out your training, and get some nifty items.Vokun is Heavy Armor, so you can get some extra experience, and protection that way. This is plenty OP enough that you don't have to worry about over-leveling (on Adept, especially with how cheap the build is. Expert, and Master, it's less of a concern than Glass Cannon Syndrome.) Stick with Robes, but Ebony Gauntlets, and Boots stacked with the Lord is plenty. So is 50% Magic Resistance, honestly, though you can bump that up to 65 with Agent of Mara.You don't need Alteration for Armor, MR/SA, nor even Detect Enemy with Aura Whisper (Same neighborhood of the Rift as the 2 weapon spells.) Nor do you need the levels.

Total build, no longer leveling anything except possibly Heavy armor takes a few hours, can be done in an afternoon. Not worldbeating OP, but powerful enough to beat anything if you know how to play it right. Update: I just ran ^that^ build real quick since posting it. By the time stamp, that's less than 4 hours from Helgen to 50 Conjuration, and Archery, with a little 1 handed, and the 3 most unfair spells in the school, for free.

Now, on to the Main Quest, and College.If you look through the rest of the shots in that gallery, there's some more with it. The path I took was Helgen-Faendal (Train), Whiterun Stables, Riften, Treva's Watch, Fort Amol, Atronach Stone, FT back to Whiterun, Hike past the Lord Stone to HGR, cast the bow (I needed a potion of Magicka, found in the FAP) Dragonskin, then outside where I saved. Not bad for an afternoon, now back to my Fanfic.

Readmore.50, no reason not too. The Perks are real nice at the beginning, when your 1H skill is a palty 15, and as that's your primary trainer for 2 skills. The more damage you do, the more weapon XP you get perf strike. Also, the fights are over quicker, so you can run onto the next. That's the real beauty of Bound Weapons so early on, first, they compensate for a lack of skill for races like Breton, who have none.

They also unlock a lot of perks quickly with all the leveling, so in that short time, I got 12, as well as periodic Healings from leveling up mid-combat, and stat points to out in health to be less squishy. Now that I have Vokun, I can starp on some Heavy Boots/Gauntlets.

With the Tank&Spank tactics (Let them firght your summones so you can hit them without them hitting you) and standoff from FF, and BB, you pretty much just have to avoid getting 1 shotted. Either you have a 15 Magicka spell to spam, or bound weapons/summons which last long enough to recover, so Magicka isn't much of an issue, and you only need enough Stamina for a Critical Charge.other than that, about all you need to add is Sneak up to Deadly Aim for a multiplier.There's actually all kinds of places you can take this build, but for a starter, it's fast, free, and stompy.


Or, you can leave it as is up to about level 30, where it pretty much out-damages anything in the game, once you kill off Alduin. Hey, i have a question again. I get almost instagibbed by dawnguard crossbows. How can i solve this?i also think i made a mistake by pumping too much magicka on my only solution as of now is to have one melee summon.

Hey, i have a question again. I get almost instagibbed by dawnguard crossbows.

How can i solve this? I also think i made a mistake by pumping too much magicka on my stats. My only solution as of now is to have one melee summon. It ensures that the target him first (my follower's sanguine summon), i have orchendor and ancano as dead thralls, but sometimes they ignore the sanguine summon i also tried Orc guy from largashbur (the one that malacath orders to kill the giant, instead tries to kill me after i did his orders). Readmore.I wear Heavy Boots, and Gloves.

Do some enchanting, and Fortify Health. Also, Alteration works fine with armor, just don't get the Mage Armor Perks, Ebonyflesh is still 100 more Armor, go with it, and invest in some Juggernaut perks. The mask/robes combo looks fine with Ebony. Invisibility is one other option, the can't see you, can't shoot you. Use Whirlwind Sprint, and Cover.

You don't have to expose yourself, and summon, plus the mobility of the shout means you can move from where they're targeting you. Wuld behind your Tanks, or cast them between you. Just because you have Dead Thrall doesn't mean you don't need to use Dremora Lord. He's far superior to most high level Thralls in some regards, and you can recast him to teleport right where he's needed. I'm still trying to pump my enchantment by disenchanting expensive items, and making use of staffs + black star + soul stealer perk (i gave the staves to lydia), but it's a paltry 50 just now.another question, why does lydia feel that the staff of magnus is the best staff ever? It's like used on every opponent. Can't say it's bad though, her aim is decent, and the charge is awesome.

She also uses the dragon priest staff and hevnoraak's staff (lightning and flame walls) when enemies get in range for it. I stopped giving her weapons hahaha. I'd use a mage follower to cut down on staff charge costs, but they use their own spells, some of which really suck. Readmore.Lydia has horrible taste in staffs, you have to give her the ones you want her to use that fight.

Eola's probably the best for this build because she already raises dead in combat, and summons Atronachs, so that's more bodies in the fight. She's also armored, and uses weapons, so give her a powerful 1 handers, and any staffs you think she can use. Watch out for her Fireballs, but you aren't a front line fighter anyway.

Take the staff away from her, and she won't use it. You could probably make better use of the magicka drain yourself to recover for the next spell, and keep them from Bolting you so much. Readmore.Morokei doesn't count as Armor for the Mage Armor perk. Neither does a Shield, which doubles as a basher if you find yourself rushed, and surrounded. Unfortunately, Block levels slow, and you have HA experience allready, so it might be nice if you had an older save to go back to. With what you already have built, boots, gauntlets, Health enchantments, and Juggernaut will be your least investment.

If you don't mind grinding, kill Uthgerd for her Steel Plate, and go Tank on some low level guys to get your skill up. (Just beat her in a Brawl, have her Follow you, and take her off someplace private to kill her. Extra points for using the Ebony Blade, and/or sacrificing her to Boethea for the 1 curiass that would do you the most good.). If you have Dawnguard, being a necromancer becomes far more powerful, with all the summons from Soul Cairn benefit from Necromancy perks, which a Wrathman with full Necromancy side done, I believe has more health than a dremora lord.The ritual stone and the aetherial crown, will allow you to mass a massive army of undead, you kill people use the stones power, once it ends take off the crown and put it back on, use the stone power again and you keep repeating, just collecting more bodies as you travel, giants, mages, warriors, thalmor, draugr. Basically anything dead and it'll soon become apart of your undead army.