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Xenophobia Hentai Game Download

Xenophobia Hentai Game Download Rating: 5,7/10 3847 votes

Agraphobia - Fear of sexual abuse.Androphobia - Fear of men.Anglophobia - Fear of England and anything to do with it.Astrapophobia - Fear of thunder and lightning.

Notice, this game is made by the RYONA community same as Demonophobia, so if you don't like violence nor violence or Guro, do not download this game, also the protaganitst of this game is even younger then Sakri of Demonophobia, she is only 10 year old.Ver 0.22Two stage complete so far1315 death scene in first stage including nude mode.13 death scene in second stage including nude mode.Hey Sizustar, thanks for sharing your file and including a hacked save with 999 red elixirs, helped me a lot. How did you get that hack?

Hex editing?Apparently you can 'turn on' nude mode after your clothes endurance drops to 0. Seems the stage 1 boss is the only monster with an attack that can reduce the endurance of your clothes.Edit: Btw, anyone having language issues with the game?When I run the game with Japanese locale on my comp (which should be the correct locale), the game crashes. However, when I run in English locale it works, but I can't read the Japanese. At least I can still play the game, I just won't be able to understand what's going on. Hey Sizustar, thanks for sharing your file and including a hacked save with 999 red elixirs, helped me a lot.

Xenophobia Game Download


How did you get that hack? Hex editing?Apparently you can 'turn on' nude mode after your clothes endurance drops to 0. Seems the stage 1 boss is the only monster with an attack that can reduce the endurance of your clothes.Edit: Btw, anyone having language issues with the game?When I run the game with Japanese locale on my comp (which should be the correct locale), the game crashes. However, when I run in English locale it works, but I can't read the Japanese.

At least I can still play the game, I just won't be able to understand what's going on.I'd be greatly interested in knowing more details on how you got it to work on English locale. I've been trying different locales for a while to see which one works, but the only one that worked briefly was the Japanese (which crashed as soon as I accessed status or tried to pick up the first item). I'd be greatly interested in knowing more details on how you got it to work on English locale. I've been trying different locales for a while to see which one works, but the only one that worked briefly was the Japanese (which crashed as soon as I accessed status or tried to pick up the first item).I actually have no idea why my game is able to run in English locale. If I run in Japanese locale, I crash the same way as you do, as soon as I pick up the first item.

Applocale doesn't seem to work for any region I'm running in. Only details I can say are: I'm still using Windows XP with SP 3, I have all my Japanese language packs installed for Windows XP (language for non-unicode programs) and somehow I can play the game in English locale (which I hate because I prefer to run in Japanese locale). Oh yes, since I am running in English locale, all I get is???? For any of the text but at least I can play the game. I actually have no idea why my game is able to run in English locale. If I run in Japanese locale, I crash the same way as you do, as soon as I pick up the first item.

Applocale doesn't seem to work for any region I'm running in. Only details I can say are: I'm still using Windows XP with SP 3, I have all my Japanese language packs installed for Windows XP (language for non-unicode programs) and somehow I can play the game in English locale (which I hate because I prefer to run in Japanese locale). Oh yes, since I am running in English locale, all I get is???? For any of the text but at least I can play the game.Strange.I still haven't been able to successfully run it so far, even when using NTLEA or switching locale.

I'm also using Windows XP with SP3.Maybe I'm missing a font file or some dll? Or maybe something wrong with the way I unzipped it? (though I did try unzipping in different locales and programs.). Hey Sizustar, thanks for sharing your file and including a hacked save with 999 red elixirs, helped me a lot. How did you get that hack? Hex editing?Apparently you can 'turn on' nude mode after your clothes endurance drops to 0. Seems the stage 1 boss is the only monster with an attack that can reduce the endurance of your clothes.Edit: Btw, anyone having language issues with the game?When I run the game with Japanese locale on my comp (which should be the correct locale), the game crashes.


However, when I run in English locale it works, but I can't read the Japanese. At least I can still play the game, I just won't be able to understand what's going on.Where is this so-called hacked save?